Module and DP Gear Hobs with 14°30′ – 45°
2022-12-02 09:05:37
Module and DP Gear Hobs with 14°30′ – 45°
Module : 0,1 – 40
DP : 120 – 0,75
PA : 14°30′ – 15° – 17°30′ – 20° – 22°30′ – 25° – 27° – 30° – 45°
We produce gear hobs, spline hobs, worm gear hobs, sprocket hobs, timing pulley hobs,
gear miling cutters, gear shaper and shaving cutters in HSS M2, M35, M42, ASP30, ASP52, S390 and carbide material.
- Broaching Tools
- HSS-PM ASP2030, ASP2052 Precision Cutting Tools and Gear Hob Cutter for We Cutting
- Finishing Gear Hob with Basic Profile DIN3972-Ⅰ
- Helical Gear Shaper Cutter
- PA20° Profile DIN3972 Standard Gear Hob with Module m10
- PA20° Pre-shaving Gear Cuter Hob with Module m4.25
- Heat-treatment Hardness Standard for Hobs